2024 Chevrolet LCF 4500HG Regular Cab RWD, Cab Chassis (Stock #15772)
Body Details
Body Type
Cab Chassis
Tax, title, license and dealer fees (unless itemized above) are extra. Not available with special finance or lease offers.
MPG estimates on this website are EPA estimates; your actual mileage may vary. For used vehicles, MPG estimates are EPA estimates for the vehicle when it was new. The EPA periodically modifies its MPG calculation methodology; all MPG estimates are based on the methodology in effect when the vehicles were new (please see the Fuel Economy portion of the EPAs website for details, including a MPG recalculation tool).
The features and options listed are for the new 2020 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 and may not apply to this specific vehicle.
MPG estimates on this website are EPA estimates; your actual mileage may vary. For used vehicles, MPG estimates are EPA estimates for the vehicle when it was new. The EPA periodically modifies its MPG calculation methodology; all MPG estimates are based on the methodology in effect when the vehicles were new (please see the Fuel Economy portion of the EPAs website for details, including a MPG recalculation tool).
The features and options listed are for the new 2020 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 and may not apply to this specific vehicle.